Ahhh Winter

After the Winter by Claude McKay

“Some day, when trees have shed their leaves
And against the morning’s white
The shivering birds beneath the eaves
Have sheltered for the night”

I never tire of photographing the outdoors at any season.



Winter Woods

Very invigorating to hike through the woods on a cold winter day. The cold air and smell of the pines just makes me glad to be alive.Every season has something special to offer. Compared to summer it is like a window has opened and you can see things that were totally hidden with all the leaves.
The trails I hiked today meander through meadows,marshes, pine forests, and along unfrozen rivers.

A poem I like:

Winter Woods
Winter slips silently around me
Walking me to cold, crisp woods
To gaze upon the peaceful slumber
Suddenly exhilarated, restored in found solace

Donna Donabella

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Old Barn at Hawk Woods

Went for walk at a place called Hawk Woods and there is a neat old barn not far off the trail. I was able to go inside and snap a few shots but my hands were freezing cold as the temp was about 12 degrees. Also the snow was VERY deep to get to the barn that it was not an easy walk. I need to go back again when weather warms up a bit.

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Woke up on this very cold morning to frost on the window.


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Kilmanagh, Michigan

This very old building used to be a general store and has been in same location since 1873. I used to drive by this place on the way to the family cottage as a kid and it has not changed in 50 years.This is in the middle of flat farm country in Michigan’s thumb. It is the town of Kilmanagh and basically consists of a bar, this building, and a few homes. The building looks like it could have been in the old West.


A Michigan Summer Sunset

We finished up a mountain bike ride near sunset at a trail in the countryside and took this photo as we were packing up to leave. I live in suburbia so it’s difficult to get good sunset shots so when in the outlying areas I always hope to be at a spot when there is a nice sunset.

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